I have been super busy this past month, have had so many projects going on and so much to do getting ready for the holidays! I am so happy, this year my sister and her family from California are going to be visiting for a few weeks, as well as my dad from San Antonio, he will be here for a few days for the new year! I finally get to meet my only nephew out of 11 grandkids!!!
My LP gave me an early christmas present last night, a NEW CAMERA!! I am so excited, I've been taking tons of pictures and have only had it for one day! LOL I can't wait to do some scrapbooking after all this holiday mess is over with! Christmas is my favorite time of year, but man oh man, sometimes I just get myself into way more than I can handle, know what I mean jelly bean?!
Anywho, I have been anxiously waiting for this week since March, MY VACATION! It starts officially on the 23rd and lasts up to the 3rd of next year! So I am going to enjoy this time with my family and I will return with more projects to share next year. Can't wait to get started on Valentines goodies!
Until then, Happy Holiday and Happy New Year to you all!